Thursday, 17 January 2013

Log and Output file Reference in Conc Request Tables

If Request out and logfile needs to be viewed after cloning and site migration update the following:

SET LOGFILE_NAME = REPLACE(LOGFILE_NAME,'<<<<old_string>>>>','<<<<new_string>>>>')
WHERE request_id=11797166;

SET OUTFILE_NAME = REPLACE(OUTFILE_NAME,'<<<<old_string>>>>','<<<<new_string>>>>')
WHERE request_id=11797166;

SET LOGFILE_NODE_NAME = REPLACE(LOGFILE_NODE_NAME,'<<<<old_string>>>>','<<<<new_string>>>>')
WHERE request_id=11797166;

SET OUTFILE_NODE_NAME = REPLACE(OUTFILE_NODE_NAME,'<<<<old_string>>>>','<<<<new_string>>>>')
WHERE request_id=11797166;

Also update apps.fnd_conc_req_outputs table:

update apps.fnd_conc_req_outputs set FILE_NAME='<<<correct_out_path>>>/LMAPCHKRNA_11797166_1.PDF' where CONCURRENT_REQUEST_ID='11797166';
update apps.fnd_conc_req_outputs set FILE_NODE_NAME='<<<<correct_conc_processing_host_name>>>>' where CONCURRENT_REQUEST_ID='11797166';
You should be able to view

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Profile option FND_OBIEE_URL is null


Profile option FND_OBIEE_URL is null. Please contact your System Administrator
java.lang.RuntimeException: Profile Option FND_OBIEE_URL is null
at _oa__html._OracleOasis._jspService(
at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
at Code))
at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.doDispatch( Code))
at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.internalService( Code))
at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.service(


Set the e-Business Suite profile option "FND: Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition base URL Value" (short name = FND_OBIEE_URL) to the location of the Siebel Analytics Web file 'saw.dll' , which is required for the integration of e-Business Suite with OBIEE.

URL Should be someting like in this in the Profile Option Value:http://<hostname>:9704/analytics/saw.dll?Dashboard

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Restriction on Workflow Mailer HTML-Formatted Notifications

You can optionally set the internal mailer parameter named HTML_DELIMITER to specify which characters the notification mailer uses to delimit response values in response templates for HTML-formatted e-mail notifications. Valid values for the HTML_DELIMITER parameter are:

DEFAULT - The notification mailer uses the default delimiters, currently set as the single quote (') for both the opening and the closing delimiter. The notification mailer also uses the default delimiters if the HTML_DELIMITER parameter value is left null.

APOS - The notification mailer uses the single quote, or apostrophe (') , as both the opening and the closing delimiter. This setting is currently the same as the default.

QUOTE - The notification mailer uses the double quote (") as both the opening and the closing delimiter.

BRACKET - The notification mailer uses the left bracket ([) as the opening delimiter and the right bracket (]) as the closing delimiter.

Note: If the HTML_DELIMITER parameter is set to an invalid value, the notification mailer throws an exception at startup. Any notifications created during this time are rendered with the default delimiters instead.

By default, the HTML_DELIMITER parameter is set to the value DEFAULT. Use the afsvcpup.sql script to change the parameter value to specify the delimiters you want to use.

If a particular notification message has the special #WFM_HTML_DELIMITER message attribute defined, however, the notification mailer will use the #WFM_HTML_DELIMITER attribute value to determine which delimiters to use for that notification, instead of using the HTML_DELIMITER parameter value.

Note: The HTML_DELIMITER parameter only controls the response templates for HTML-formatted notifications. This parameter does not apply to plain text notifications.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Sending Mails using Sendmail with Subject and Attachment and Mail Body in Unix

Suppose you have a list of 10-15(or more) files to zip together and send to a mail. Take the filesnames to filelist.txt and all the mail addresses to listofmailids.txt file.

$ cat

while read FILE; do cp $FILE ZIP_HOLDER/ ; done < filelist.txt
ls -ltr ZIP_HOLDER/*; sleep 2
ls -ltr; sleep 2

echo "From:
malay.khawas@mailaddress.local" > "MESSAGE_FILE"
echo "To: `cat listofmailids.txt`" >> "MESSAGE_FILE"
echo "Subject: Mail Attachment - From ECMS System" >> "MESSAGE_FILE"
echo "Content-type: multipart/mixed >/dev/null"
echo "Please find all the files in a Zipped Folder" >> "MESSAGE_FILE"
echo "Please contact sysadmin team if you need any help" >> "MESSAGE_FILE"
uuencode ${FILE} ${FILE} >> MESSAGE_FILE
cat MESSAGE_FILE | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t

rm -f ZIP_HOLDER/*
rm -f

Sendmail with Subject and Attachment

echo "From:
malay.khawas@mailaddress.local" > "MESSAGE_FILE"
echo "To:
malay.khawas@mailaddress.local" >> "MESSAGE_FILE"
echo "Subject: Report for Testing Bangladesh" >> "MESSAGE_FILE"
echo "Content-type: multipart/mixed >/dev/null"
echo "Hello How Are you" >> "MESSAGE_FILE"
echo "I have sent this as test mail" >> "MESSAGE_FILE"
uuencode ${FILE} ${FILE} >> MESSAGE_FILE
cat MESSAGE_FILE | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t

Sunday, 6 January 2013

How to setup Passwordless SSH

Suppose I want to login from oradev1 to orapsup, without giving password, so I need to generate the key in oradev1 node.

In oradev1 Node:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat $HOME/.ssh/
Path of ssh-keygen: /usr/local/bin/ssh-keygen
/usr/local/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa

In orapsup Node:
vi $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
And, put the contents of taken from oradev1 in the file

If .ssh directory doesnot exist, then create it by running the following

ssh-keygen -t rsa

[oradev1@mkkdevserver1 ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/oradev1/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/oradev1/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/oradev1/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
[oradev1@mkkdevserver1 ~]$
[oradev1@mkkdevserver1 ~]$ cd .ssh/
[oradev1@mkkdevserver1 .ssh]$ ls
id_rsa  known_hosts
[oradev1@mkkdevserver1 .ssh]$ cat
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAtBBAsSSfzZC7Zu3fFlO8xCUaO1jzuXnPe+Z38nNboZLspjFkNaEkdYd9Ej6ZS+uBfTjrCVgCTBEdb0wLzAQlvLVLVro/M9gwjhoNGQyBKJyDQYmkUy7RSFuUdFupioT+YIOGfdQBbpn8YFbfeTWd23Khcaxkpdt/n4hlBY/PdAYUPxNvypnp49jtbideF6yiSqXF1gBDhWefh9Zd9KlIInKY6k0MNqTfn6WY57/PuSiWq+i4WKs/whZWOqnTKlulHVhBSSEjFaYKyPtPvgZbl13cbIQsvcB3TUMnYJT1JylmwMCw6ZGJIATLJMTA4WpNhHDO07e+6a7RtroyY63z5w==
[oradev1@mkkdevserver1 .ssh]$

Now whatever contents you have on file, you have to put that in authorized_keys file of orapsup.

[orapsup@mkkdevserver2 .ssh]$ ls -ltr /home/orapsup/.ssh/authorized_keys
-rw-r--r-- 1 orapsup dba 1374 Apr  5 13:52 /home/orapsup/.ssh/authorized_keys
[orapsup@mkkdevserver2 .ssh]$

View the /home/orapsup/.ssh/authorized_keys file and paste at the end of the file the above public key content.
Now you are ready to login from oradev1 to orapsup,  without giving any password.

Cheers !!!!!!!!!!!